Medical Blog - Answering Your Questions
Dr. Klaper answers questions on a wide variety of health & nutrition-related subjects.

Sore Throats
Understanding and Treating Sore Throats
Recurring sore throats in a dairy-consuming vegetarian raise several possibilities. The membranes lining the throat are well endowed with mucus-secreting glands. Smearing dairy proteins, like casein and lactalbumin, on these sensitive throat membranes several times per day (in milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc.) may cause mucus to drip down the back of the throat, causing frequent swallowing and resulting inflammation. (The medical term for inflammation of the throat — the pharynx — is pharyngitis.)… continue reading

Avoid Getting Sick
How to Avoid Getting Sick
Whenever I hear, “Doctor, why did I get sick?” I am reminded of the last words of famed microbiologist, Louis Pasteur. In the late 1800’s, Dr. Pasteur’s scientific insights into microbiology pioneered great strides in public health and food safety including pasteurization. Pasteur felt that bacteria and other microbes were the all-powerful factors in causing disease — and for good reason. The terrible tissue destruction caused by the Staphylococcus and Pneumococcus bacteria, which Pasteur observed and described, is rightly feared by physicians and patients everywhere… continue reading

Banishing Bronchitis – Step By Step
“I have been coughing up large quantities of yellow phlegm in the morning. Could I have bronchitis?”
Not only might you have bronchitis, your symptoms define the disease – cough and hypersecretion of mucus from an irritation (usually from infection) of the inner lining of the bronchial tubes of the lungs. (Incidentally, bronchitis differs from pneumonia in that bronchitis is limited to the inner bronchial tube lining, whereas with pneumonia, the infection has spread out into the substance of the lungs, infecting the microscopic air spaces, called alveoli.)… continue reading

Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease
When someone asks, “What does your gut tell you?” we understand that’s a question that recognizes your gut as a source of inner wisdom. In this article, “Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease,” Dr. Michael Klaper focuses on what your gut may be telling you in terms of gluten, your diet, and your physical health – and what you can do about it. He also provides a clear explanation of the difference between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease (which affects nearly 3 million Americans).… continue reading

Probiotics Principles
A Primer on the Value and Use of Probiotics
Keeping our gut flora balanced and beneficial is essential. Modern life, however, instead of replenishing and nourishing our gut flora, mounts a daily assault on our intestinal microbial populations. Probiotics, when used wisely, can be a useful tool in keeping our body, and thus, our health in optimal balance. Dr. Klaper explains what are probiotics, what is the best kind, how and when should we use probiotics, how to know if the probiotics you purchased are alive, and more… continue reading
Diet, Arthritis, & Autoimmune Diseases
Diet, Arthritis, Autoimmune Disease and (Un?)Common Sense
“Could what I eat be making my arthritis worse? Is there any kind of diet or supplement that might help my joint pain?”
Ask these two questions to most physicians in practice today and the likely answer you’ll receive is, “The cause of arthritis and autoimmune diseases is unknown, and nothing that you eat or any supplement that you take will make any difference at all.”… continue reading

Vitamins and Other Strategies
“Are there any “natural” therapies for vitiligo, that patchy loss of skin pigmentation?”
Swedish researchers Lennart Juhlin, M.D. and colleagues at the University of Uppsala helped a significant number of patients in their study achieve re-pigmentation of their skin utilizing vitamin B12, folic acid, and sun exposure. Sixty-seven women and 33 men (ages 9 to 75) were given 1 mg. of vitamin B12 and 5 mg. of folic acid, two times daily… continue reading

Jay Dinshah’s Gift
Jay Dinshah’s Gift – Protecting Our Arteries
“How can we protect our arteries?”
The 17th century physician Thomas Sydenham, said, “You are as old as your arteries.” A person in his or her twenties whose blood vessels have become stiffened and clogged is aged, and at risk for heart attack, stroke and sudden death. If your arteries are flexible and open, bringing life-sustaining blood to your brain and vital organs, you are youthful, no matter what birth date appears on your driver’s license… continue reading

Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet: Healthy Despite Olive Oil
You may have heard or read the latest rave reviews for the “Mediterranean Diet” as an effective deterrent to heart attacks and strokes, based on a recent presentation at the International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (1), published online in the New England Journal of Medicine (2) and reported in mainstream media.
Dr. Klaper writes, “the Mediterranean Diet is healthy IN SPITE of olive oil, not because of it.”… continue reading

This Doctor’s Take On Dairy
I did much of my growing up on a dairy farm in northern Wisconsin. I began milking cows when I was 8 years old. Several things are now clear to me: The purpose of cow’s milk is to turn a 65-pound calf into a 700 pound cow as rapidly as possible. Cow’s milk IS baby calf growth fluid. No matter what you do to it, that is what the stuff is… continue reading

Food Choices
Our Future Depends on Our Food Choices
There are many reasons for people to consider becoming vegetarians, including concerns for their health, animals, and the environment. This article considers why a major societal shift to plant-based (vegan) diets is essential to avoid impending climate, environmental, food, energy, and water crises… continue reading

Re-Thinking MultiVitamins
Vitamins needed to make essential chemical reactions happen in our cells are found in the colorful fruits and vegetables that should compose the majority of our diet. When we eat, say, a carrot, we ingest a family of molecules called carotenes. Alpha carotene, beta-carotene, gamma carotene, epsilon carotene — a symphony of natural molecules — are present in modest, balanced amounts… continue reading

Effective Therapy for Health Concerns
If there were a pill that effectively treated high blood pressure, overcame Type II diabetes, consistently produced dramatic improvements in autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, and provided effective relief for asthma attacks and migraine headaches it would be seen as a wonder drug of the highest order. Yet, such profound improvements in these medical conditions, and many others, are routinely seen during water fasts lasting more than a few days… continue reading

Slaying the Sugary Beast
There you are, having waded into the Holiday Eating Scene and finding yourself knee deep in Temptation City. Platters of chocolate chip cookies, lovingly-baked and fresh from the oven, coyly call to you. Servings of sherbet shimmer seductively. The creamy pie looks especially good tonight. How do you fortify yourself against these pitfalls?
Dr. Klaper provides advice for avoiding sugar as food… continue reading

Dark Leafy Greens
Why Greens?
Health resolutions are often hard to keep, but if better health is your goal, here’s an easy way to fulfill your resolution and reap big rewards: EAT WAY MORE DARK LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES! Dark greens such as kale, chard, collards, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and romaine lettuce are arguably among the healthiest foods you can eat… continue reading

Healing Hematomas
Hematomas… How I treated MYSELF after sustaining a good blow to the head!
Not long ago, I helped a friend with a carpentry project in his garage. Lumber and tools and people moved about rapidly. In a moment of inattention and miscommunication, my forehead and a 2x4 tested what happens when two objects attempt to occupy the same space at the same time. The 2x4 won decisively. The blow to my forehead was sharp…

Glue to Seal and Heal Wounds
Medical Tip: Using Glue to Seal and Heal Wounds
If you suffer a small cut with clean edges, such as a paper cut or a cut from a sharp knife, paper edge, or razor blade, you can stop the bleeding without pain and close the wound instantly by squeezing the edges of the wound tightly together and, after wiping the skin clean, placing a “bridge” of a thin layer “super-glue” over the top of the wound… continue reading

Is quinoa a grain?
Most everyone loves quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”)! With its inviting appearance, taste, and texture, this delicious staple is finding its way into soups, main dishes and desserts – and for good reason. It is easy to prepare, high in protein, free of gluten, and its pleasant taste and texture make it a favorite for many recipes… continue reading

Perennial Vegetables
Perennial Vegetables + Learn Something New Every Day
In Medicine Capsule #14, a Fruits and Veggies Quiz asked for the two vegetables that can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. The answer given was asparagus and rhubarb. However, a sharp-eyed reader pointed out… continue reading

War on Cholesterol
Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) and the WAR ON CHOLESTEROL
Throughout 40+ years of practicing medicine, I’ve watched the “war on cholesterol” waged so this supposed “enemy” can be vanquished and we can “conquer heart disease, once and for all.” I’ve seen drugs designed — and marketed to the public — to prevent cholesterol absorption, increase cholesterol excretion, and block cholesterol synthesis. However, cholesterol is NOT an enemy.… continue reading

My Problem with the Paleo Diet
An Invitation to Disease and Destruction
Most people in North America have heard of the “Paleo” trend in eating where animal flesh is the base of almost every meal. I think it’s an invitation to serious disease (e.g., colon cancer, clogged arteries, heart attacks, strokes, and autoimmune disease) and destruction — destruction of billions of animals, leading to the destruction of the humans who eat them and, ultimately, to the destruction of our planet’s ecosystems upon which we all depend for life!
However, there is solid evidence that a whole-food, plant-based diet — with far less death and destruction involved in its production and consumption — is the truly healing diet for people and our planet.… continue reading

Can ‘Leaky Gut’ Cause Acne, Fatigue, and Memory Fog?
Article by Lacie Glover
Leaky Gut Syndrome is among the most intriguing medical conditions and also somewhat controversial. Lacie Glover interviewed Dr. Michael Klaper for this article originally published in the Health section at…continue reading

Musings from My Hospital Bed
Dr. Michael Klaper shares his thoughts and observations about obesity in America after a 5-day stay in a hospital following spinal surgery.
He writes, “Obesity is no laughing matter; it is a state of chronic inflammation and disease… Each person who realizes the truth of what food has become in our society, and who awakens themselves from the fast-food anesthetic by making the transition to a truly health-promoting, plant-based diet gives an invaluable gift to themselves and to everyone around them.”… continue reading

Health Supporting Eating Plan
“What should a healthy daily diet consist of? There is a lot of information out there…”
Dr. Klaper’s “Health Supporting Eating Plan” addresses the question, “What should I make for lunch or dinner?” (Breakfast is optional, if you’re not hungry.) It’s a simple guide to constructing an easy, guaranteed-healthy day of eating based on four words that start with S.… continue reading

Suffering: Animals vs Plants
Although plants are living entities, Dr. Michael Klaper writes that eating plants as opposed to animals is not a question of life, but of suffering – and, that is one of the reasons he advocates for plant-based nutrition.
Billions of animals are slaughtered in today’s factory farm production facilities and Dr. Klaper points out that suffering requires a nervous system which all sentient animals have and plants do not.… continue reading

Vitamin B12 Basics
Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the synthesis of DNA and is essential for the health of your blood and bone marrow, as well as maintenance of your nervous system, including your brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
Chronic, severe deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to anemia, dementia, paralysis, and death. As a result, maintaining adequate levels of vitamin B12 in your tissues is vital to your well being.
Dr. Klaper explains where vitamin B12 comes from and how to ensure adequate reliable sources. He describes the ways in which vitamin B12 is sold and the rationale for his preferences. Blood tests, homocysteine levels, and the MTHFR enzyme are also addressed.… continue reading