Plant-based Clinical Nutrition Forum

Note: The PBCN Forums are free of charge. In order to help support them, please consider making a $10 donation to the Moving Medicine Forward Initiative.

Following on the success of the Moving Medicine Forward (MMF) Master Class in Plant-based Clinical Nutrition, we are hosting monthly Plant-based Clinical Nutrition (PBCN) Forums to explore all aspects of plant-based nutrition in clinical practice.
During each 90-minute Forum, we will be examining current topics and reports related to subjects covered in the various Master Class sessions as well as discussing challenging clinical cases submitted by our participants. Of course, controversies and differing perspectives will be welcomed and discussed during a wide-ranging Q&A, with all participants invited to contribute. Each Forum will conclude with reports about and suggestions for incorporating health-promoting nutrition into medical school curricula as well as into clinical practice and hospital meal-planning.
Everyone with an interest in plant-based nutrition is welcome to join the PBCN Forum, but the emphasis will be helping health professionals of all disciplines to feel more confident in recommending and utilizing plant-based nutrition for their patients.