What Every Health Professional Needs to Know
As part of the Moving Medicine Forward Initiative, we have created the Master Class in Plant‑based Clinical Nutrition, a 12-unit series that places the healing power of plant-based nutrition into the hands of every physician, medical student, & health professional who wants to help their patients heal on the deepest levels.

Led by clinician Michael Klaper, M.D. who brings almost 40 years of plant-based experience healing to his entertaining, slide-illustrated lectures, the principles of how to use the patient’s diet to transform their body’s chemistry & physiology to arrest & reverse degenerative disease are revealed.
From clogged arteries, obesity and diabetes, to colitis, arthritis and osteoporosis, the science behind why the foods of the Standard American Diet can foster such diseases is presented and, more importantly, practical strategies on how to use a whole-food, plant-based diet to restore vital function are shared.
Each MMF Master Class comes with a clinical case along with thought-provoking questions that invite the participants to analyze & understand nutrition’s role in fostering both health and disease. If you want to acquire this valuable skill set & the clinical confidence that comes with it — click here to purchase the entire 12-unit series, or scroll down to purchase the individual MMF Master Class you are most interested in.
Interested in giving the MMF Master Class as a gift? Click here to find out more.
Dr. Klaper Announces Online Master Class in Plant-based Clinical Nutrition
The MMF Master Class includes:
12 2-hour presentations plus accompanying Q&A videos
Case studies, citations, and references for every class
PDFs of slideshow presentations
Invitation to join a nutritionally-awakened community
Access for a year
Registration Information
The Moving Medicine Forward Master Class in Plant-based Clinical Nutrition offers the invaluable nutritional keys sought by healers throughout history. Once registered, enrollees have access to all of the MMF Master Class lectures & Q&A, PDFs of slideshows, & case studies via the course platform for a year. The cost to register for the entire 12-unit MMF Master Class is $299.99.
Looking to purchase an individual MMF Master Class?
The cost to register for an individual MMF Master Class is $29.99. Click on the individual links below to sign up for the MMF Master Class you are most interested in.
Fundamentals First: How & Why Plant-based Clinical Nutrition Works
Healing Hearts & Arteries with Plant-based Nutrition
Overcoming Obesity & Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
How to Vanquish Colitis, Crohn’s Disease & Other GI Disorders with Plant-based Foods
Treating the Causes of Autoimmune Disease
How to Fuel a Plant-based Athlete
Cancer: Can Water Fasting & Plant-based Nutrition Help?
Optimizing Vital Organ Function — Plant-based Nutrition for Healthy Skin, Nerves, Kidneys & Liver
Eating Healthy in The Real World — Recipes, Resources & Motivational Counseling
Course Summary & Meeting the Challenges Ahead
Give the Gift of Education!
Share this life-changing course with your friends, family, and colleagues! If you’d like to give someone the MMF Master Class as a gift, use the following links.
NOTIFYING YOUR GIFT RECIPIENT: Once you purchase one of the options below, you will receive access to a “gift” class which provides you with a graphic (like the one shown here) that you can print or download so you have something physical to either give to them or email to them, as well as instructions for how to get them enrolled.
Give the entire 12-unit MMF Master Class
Give an individual MMF Master Class
(the recipient will be able to choose the one they want to enroll in).

What I Wished I Learned About Nutrition In Medical School
As the focus of our "Moving Medicine Forward" Initiative, I’ve been traveling to medical schools across North America, Europe and Australia giving the students the presentation I wish someone had given me fifty years ago, about how the patient’s diet is key to reversing many of the most feared degenerative diseases known to medicine.
Here is the lecture I’ve been giving to the students - complete with slides for you to copy.
Feel free to share this with your doctor or any student of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, chiropractic, nursing, naturopathy or any other of the other health sciences. It’s time for a nutritional awakening across the healing professions!