Shop Dr. Klaper’s Informative Videos
Don't miss these videos about health & nutrition. You can purchase DVDs at Amazon & stream or download full-length videos on-demand. I'm also delighted to provide video recordings from my Healthy YOU webinars that address key health topics to help you learn more about the optimal functioning of the human body & how to achieve lasting health & well-being.

Salt, Sugar & Oil:
What You Need To Know
Would you eat something if you knew it greatly raised your risk of tissue ageing, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, cataracts, blindness, kidney failure, stroke & other diseases?
Excessive consumption of salt, sugar & oil has been linked with all of these! Dr Klaper tells you what you need to know!

Fasting: Safe & Effective Use of an Ancient Healing Therapy
Dr Klaper shows the benefits & proper procedures for fasting, who can benefit, who shouldn't fast, how to prepare, what to expect, when & how to take a break from it, & what to eat after to maintain your health.
If you suffer from any chronic health problems, this video is for you.

Digestion Made Easy
We take you on a journey through your digestive system to meet the organs that turn the food you eat into YOU!
Learn how digestion & absorption work, how to keep them at optimum levels & how to avoid acid reflux, constipation & diverticulosis. A complicated subject made easy to understand.

Understanding Your Blood
Test Results
Know what your blood tests say to your doctor & YOU about your health. Learn how to read the data in a lab report & what it means about your current state of health.
Know if you are currently challenged by or at risk for anemia, diabetes, heart disease, bacterial & viral infections, parasitic activity & more.

Sense & Nonsense in Nutrition: A Look at Common Health Myths
Explore some commonly held beliefs & myths about nutrition that will change the way you think about your body, food & your health!
Includes gallbladder flushes, olive oil, chocolate, dairy, fat-burning pills, multi-vitamins, low-carb diets & coffee.

Healthy Bones: Preventing & Reversing Osteoporosis
The Skeletal System; what a masterpiece! The human adult body contains 206 bones with more than half in the hands & feet. Keeping our bones healthy is crucial for anyone who likes to walk, run or do anything for that matter!
This webinar explains what’s required to create & maintain a healthy skeleton & to ward off osteoporosis.

Dr Klaper’s “Q & A Ramble”
Dr Klaper devotes this entire webinar to answering dozens of terrific
questions he’s received about health, nutrition, & well-being.
This webinar is fast-moving, enjoyable, & chock full of valuable insights &
practical information.

Thriving On a Plant-Based Diet
A plant-based diet should provide the nutrients for any human to thrive. Yet, people nourish themselves with vegan foods & are failing to thrive. Why?
Dr Klaper provides guidance for a successful transition to a healthy, plant-based diet & explores the environmental implications.

“Leaky Gut” Is it Real? What To Do About It?
“Leaky Gut” is a funny name but not so funny a condition. This condition may actually underlie dozens of medical conditions, from acne, autism & AIDS to autoimmune arthritis.
Dr Klaper discusses its causes & mechanisms & presents practical treatment strategies.

Banishing Bronchitis &
Soothing Sore Throats Without Antibiotics
Learn how you can banish bronchitis & soothe sore throats without antibiotics!
After watching this video, you will know what to do to feel better quickly &
equally important, you will also know what not to do too.